
Katarzyna Jachacy-Bednarek

Advocate / Partner

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, major in law (1996) and Postgraduate Studies in Mediation, Negotiation and Other Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw (2010). A graduate of advocate traineeship at the Warsaw Bar Association (2000).

Advocate / Partner

Running active advocate practice since 2001. From 2018 till now Managing Partner in ‘Katarzyna Jachacy-Bednarek, Dorota Malarecka, Law Office Partnership’.

In years 2011 – 2020 lecturer in the Attorney’s Training Department of the Warsaw Bar Association. Regularly performs duties of a patron for advocate trainees in the Warsaw Bar Association. Speaks English.

For over 20 years, the main professional specializations have been:

Family and Guardianship Law, laser focused on legal advisory and representation of Clients in court proceedings and in mediations – including complex and difficult cases. Actively uses knowledge, experience, and long record of cooperation with professionals in the fields of psychology, pedagogy, pediatrics, psychiatry, family mediators and subject matter experts in property valuation. On the grounds of her professional acumen, skills, and experience – understanding the root cause of a conflict and evaluating scenarios and methods of resolving it are the key tools to solve it truly and successfully, so whenever possible effectively uses negotiations and mediation techniques to resolve disputes.

Civil Law cases for demands of payments, damages and compensations, unjustified enrichment, claiming the payment of a reserved share and many more.  These are mainly multifaceted and procedurally complex court proceedings against individuals, house developers, and insurance companies, in which she represents individuals, legal entities and housing Communities. Simultaneously she  supports Clients in reaching mutual agreements in front of the court or without court involvement.
